November 21, 2016
Gift Guide: Thanksgiving Weekend 2016

In just a few, very short (dang you, Daylight Savings Time) days we’ll be gathering with family and friends over one of the best meals of the year to give thanks (hopefully) for each other and what we have. Just beyond Thanksgiving lies the frenzied season of holiday shopping beginning with two days that either leave you frozen in fear or amped with adrenaline. So, come Thursday, are you fueling up for Black Friday or are are you mindlessly gorging and out of commission ‘til Small Business Saturday? Regardless, we thought we’d offer you a few ideas to help ease your struggle come sun-up Friday and help you get started tackling the gift-giving season ahead.
S’well bottles' ability to keep hot things hot and cold things cold super stylishly make them a fantastic gift option for any person you’re looking to please. For under $50, they're perfect for any age and gender, and available in a variety of color options and two different size options, they make gift-giving look easy. Grab a couple in different colors for your girlfriends this Christmas and throw in one of these adorable candy boxes from Sugarfina with each, and say "Cheers" to gift giving made easy.
Whether you teach with them or you’re a parent with kids in their charge, it can be a beast to find a gift that checks the boxes for every teacher on your list and still fits in your budget when you’re purchasing 10 of the same thing. We've got the solution. Affordable as they are adorable, these Christmas trinkets below from Dekorasyon Gifts & Decor make perfect little gifts for neighbors, friends, and family, too!
Here at the shop, we are long-time fans of the handcrafted wood pieces by Müller that bring Christmas magic alive, and we love taking home these special pieces to the children in our lives to watch their faces come alive with wonder and awe as they experience them for the first time. If you're looking for the perfect gift for your little ones, or if you're an aunt or uncle looking for a way to make a memory with your niece or nephew this Christmas, we suggest you come by the store and check out these special treasures.
There's so much more in-store goodness here at the shop, and we'll be featuring a few gift guides soon to help you out, so stay tuned. Most importantly, though, don't let the stress of the holidays overwhelm you and stress you out. Gift giving is supposed to be fun and we want to help you keep it that way! Call us or come by the shop, and let us help find exactly what you're looking for to meet your gift giving needs so you'll be free to fa la la with the best of 'em!